Regular day at the office...

hey boys and girls, just received this new Gay-O-Meter questioneer. do it and post to me what you got. I got 33% which is pretty manly, I admit that I answered yes to if you like girl-on-girl action (like all other guys did)... Enjoy!
Rock-it-man is 13% gay! Beat that!
They said to me: "You're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetero guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate"
I did lie on the second question, though... I said I have sex with women.
(the footballer formerly known as sharkboy)
Anonymous, at 2:12 AM
13% is not bad sharkboy, who did ucopy the answers from?
Vman, at 2:03 PM
I got 26%,so it means i'm less gay than you Vman,but double gay than
the the footballer formerly known as sharkboy.It's hard to be more macho than you,sharkboy.
(the galactico formerly known as Adi:))
Anonymous, at 2:24 AM
there is nothing gay about wanting to redecorate your appartment...I am not gay...not that there is anything wrong with that!
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
well today is redecorating your appartment, tomorow is shuving a gerbel through a tube where the sun don't shine...
Vman, at 10:13 AM
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