Worst Music Video Ever!

You have to check this video out. I am on the floor listening to it!
Bad funny facts:
- It is actually taken from MTV!
- You could switch the music to "Numa Numa Iei" song and it would match
- At one point there is a guy humping a girl and running with her on the stage
- They look like a bad immitation of ABBA singing in broken English
- They are actually called Mervi Vasalla
OMG i'm gonna diiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!
please, where do i get one of these outfits!?!?!?!
an my fave, when the guys r lined up in front of each other doing the 'spider' thing with their arms and the guy in the front grabs his crotch in like a john travolta saturday night fever type stance...but the hard core FOB verison...LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFF!
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM
I think to get one of thse outfits you would have to go back in time and take a lot of drugs...
The spider thing with their arms is pretty funny... pretty original too.
Vman, at 10:15 AM
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