You want the truth? You CAN handle the truth!

Apple were first who told us to 'think different' or maybe it was Ghandi or was it Sharkboy? Here is a list of interesting links from our good friend nicknamed 'Sharkboy' that deals with conspiracy theories, evil bankers and mostly the truth (that we CAN handle). He proposes us to recognize all these articles as theory, no one article holds the aboslute truth. I'm not sure it's his quote or he borrowed it from someone but I found it's interesting:
"When you realize that we only know what someone wanted us to know, that we want what they decided to let us want and that our opinions aren't really our own, only then can we really start learning"
-Sharkboy 2006
We're living in the Matrix
Are you awake?
Are you educated?
Is the economy fair?
What is the economy?
What is money?
Banks are evil!
The Creature from Jekyll Island
Banking in Canada and an economic theory
interesting :) who is sharkboy??
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
sharkboy =
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM
The dreaded Homo Sharkus:
Marge: Now wait a minute, I'm not sure about this. Every time we've
ever gone on vacation I end up being horribly embarrassed. We
end up in a big fight and we come home more miserable than when
we left. You have to promise me that this isn't going to happen
this time.
Homer: Embarrassed? What are you talking about?
Marge: Well, there was our trip to the Amish country...
Homer: Oh, yeah...
[flashback to Homer sticking ice cream cones on a man's head]
Homer: Heh heh heh, hey look, Marge! They're still not fighting back.
[shoves another ice cream cone on man's cheek]
Hee hee! I can be a jerk and no one can stop me! [laughs]
[a mule kicks him hard]
Marge: Even worse was our trip to Sandy Beach...
[flashback to people in ocean being frightened off by a shark
Homer: [coming out of the water wearing a mask and a strap-on fin]
[laughs] Suckers.
Bart: [swimming up beside Homer, also with mask and fin] [laughs]
Homer: Aah! Sharkboy! [runs off in a panic]
-- The dreaded Homo Sharkus, "Itchy and Scratchy Land"
Anonymous, at 5:51 PM
homo sharkus will be your next nickname...
Vman, at 5:42 AM
besides the fact you like quotes from simpsones that doesn't say much about u...
Vman, at 9:35 AM
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