So I feel I should confess something right now... I am a fan of
homestarrunner.com and especially of
Strong Bad's email or sbemail. For those of you who don't know yet it's a web cartoon made in flash that is updated every few days. It was created by the
The Brothers Chaps in 1999 when they started to learn Flash and it has grown into a cult. With clothes, Audio CD's, DVD's, dolls, posters and fan costumes for Halloween it has become a franchise. But unlike any other franchise the Brothers Chaps will not sell out and they insist on not airing it on TV because they think it will ruin the cartoon, instead they show it for free on their website, on DVD's or I-Pods as a Podcast.
For constant updates, easter eggs and full transcripts of every cartoon check the
Homestar Wiki.
My favorite episodes are:
WebsiteJapanese Cartoonpop-upHalloween FairstivalTeen Girl Squad Issue 10Post me your favorites.
I just discovered the Homestar Wiki. It is a really awesome source of Easter eggs and updates. Strong Bad's email is really cool but he is stuck on his 149th
email. I cant wait 4 his 150th
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM
yeah... he got stuck there. They will create a new one soon.
which episodes do u like best?
Vman, at 6:30 AM
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