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Upcoming movies U should be exited about!
So I checked the net for upcoming movies and surprisingly I found out that the worst movie that won an oscar, offcourse I mean Titanic, is getting a sequel: Titanic 2 (pic on the right). I just hope that after this one, decaprio stays dead.
More realistically, Basic Instinct 2 is coming out sometimes in 2006. Sharon Stone is bored and she wants more people to use the pause button on their DVDs while watching her movies, because from the trailer, she opens her legs quite a lot. Two thumbs up only for that Sahron, or maybe only one...
In 2007 we are anticipating a superhero movie form Marvel comics, Ghost Rider. Nicholas Cage plays a stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself. Can anybody say Spawn? Yes, I can.
Anyones I forgot? write them up in the comments.
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