Hillarious "How to..." guides
I found this new site called Cracked.com which is kinda like a MAD magazine ripoff, and I found a few "How to" guides that were really funny:
How To Write a Bestseller - which is a crack at people who write books to "dimistify" the DaVinci Code. My favorite is how it defines
"book: To record charges against (a person) on a police blotter, e.g. Take him downtown and book him"
"fiction: Fiction is a Latin word meaning “stuff that never happened.” and
"non-ficiton: A Latin word meaning, literally, Not stuff that never happened". While you are there check also the comic they posted: DaVinci Conundrum.
Graduation Special: How to Ace Your First Job Interview - Do not follow any tips that they mention here... My favourite is:
In your CV: Here are a few qualities to mention:
- Can kill a chicken dead with only one hand
- Proficient in SEGA
- Hardly wets the bed at all anymore
- Recently threw away pretty much all of my pornography collection
- Have successfully kissed the tip of my own penis/vagina
- Likes to watch you sleep
Some Helpful Suggestions For My Boss - I'm doing a Management course part-time and I have to show this to my teacher. My Favourite part is:
I find it difficult to get sufficiently hard when masturbating in the staff bathroom to pictures of CEO Brad Newford's wife.
Perhaps Brad could leave more attractive pictures of his wife on his desk for the purposes of short-term bathroom reallocation. Tight-fitting and revealing clothes are key; losing weight essential.

"book: To record charges against (a person) on a police blotter, e.g. Take him downtown and book him"
"fiction: Fiction is a Latin word meaning “stuff that never happened.” and
"non-ficiton: A Latin word meaning, literally, Not stuff that never happened". While you are there check also the comic they posted: DaVinci Conundrum.

In your CV: Here are a few qualities to mention:
- Can kill a chicken dead with only one hand
- Proficient in SEGA
- Hardly wets the bed at all anymore
- Recently threw away pretty much all of my pornography collection
- Have successfully kissed the tip of my own penis/vagina
- Likes to watch you sleep

I find it difficult to get sufficiently hard when masturbating in the staff bathroom to pictures of CEO Brad Newford's wife.
Perhaps Brad could leave more attractive pictures of his wife on his desk for the purposes of short-term bathroom reallocation. Tight-fitting and revealing clothes are key; losing weight essential.
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