Vman's Blog: funny stuff, news, gadgets & movies

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Creator's purpose in our universe

I started reading this awsome book A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking and I found this really interesting quote I felt I have to share with you. Feel free to comment and share your opinion.
If there is no boundary of space-time, there is no need to specify the behaviour at the boundary – no need to know the initial state of the universe. There is no edge of space-time at which we would have to appeal to God or some new law to set the boundary conditions for space time. We could say: “The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary.” The universe would be completely self-contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would be completely self contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed. It would just BE. As long as we believed the universe had a beginning, the role of a creator seemed clear. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, having neither beginning nor end, then the answer is not so obvious: what is the role of a creator?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Play me for 4 secondes!

What's better that a game that takes max 4 secondes that you can play at work? A bunch of them together! In this addictive flash game: 4 Secondes, you use only your arrow keys and space bar... or none at all! :-/

My record is 114 sex euh... secs. Can you beat that mofos?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pop Translator!

Hey Gen-X [old]people. Ever wondered what these damn kids today listen to? Or better yet what it all means? Sean Paul's jamaican, 50 Cent's gansta rap or Brad Pitt's broken english in Snatch? There is a cool site: PopTranslator.com that translate in laymans terms all of our pop cultures slang. Grandpas and parents can finally be cool! Or just wannabe wankas...

Oh, and next time your are baking hash cookies check these ones for inspiration. Bake them for your girlfriend when you want to hint her she needs to wear a thong more often... then get smacked on the head (because she's on PMS).

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mario Live and the 8-bit Questioneer, gam3rz!1

Hi n3rdz, you gotta check this live performance of a Mario level. My favorite part is when they pause the game.
Then, if you feel up to it take this little 8-bit gamer test. I only got one right: contra. It says it's not my fault i had a life. ;-)
I knew the buttons A and B.
I got 1/16 on the 8-Bit Gamer test.
Take the test!

If you figure out any other ones post them in the comments.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Starship Dimentions!

Ever wondered how big is the Halo ring (from the XBox game Halo)? Ever wondered how long are each one of the Star Wars and Star Treck ships? Or who's taller: Godzilla, the Statue of Liberty or the Space Shuttle Discovery? Well the answers to all those questions and to wether you would sleep with a real girl before you die, are here: Spaceship Dimentions.

Friday, April 21, 2006

You got my love (and my attention) music video!

I don't know who sings this but it's very original. It's a cool msuic video that I found on the Intersexnet, from TMF9 (??) that's called "You got my love". It features different girls upper body (no head), that dance around and change t-shirts depending on the lyrics.
Why it got my attention? Because every guy is pre-programmed to watch female chests on TV or in reality. Want to make a commercial that would attract every guy's attention? Put some boobies in it.
The equivalent to that for girls would be: crotches. with different funny underwear. ;-P

If anyone knows the band who sings it plz post it in the comments.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

SNL clips that would make u PYP!

Piss Your Pants for those who don't quite get it... Anyway, u gotta watch these 2 clips:

First is an imitation of Taylor Hicks on SNL, if you follow American Idol you would recognize him by the white hair. They said he's like that crazy uncle that gets drunk and sings at weddings ;-)
LOL: the curtains do match the drapes!

Second is when DeNiro came on SNL and imitated the Homeland Security Spokesman. My favorits are: AL-SUQ AKWEER, MUSTAF HEROD APYOR POUPR and offcourse USQUA M'DIQ... too funny ;-)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Crazy Tacos!

Check these crazy guys out, they actually imitated the crazy tacos from the SNL skit of Taco Town. "15 Great Tastes all rolled into one"... I would not be surprised if 1 taco = 10,000 calories!
It's the frying everything that ruins everything.. LOL!
Here is an example of the final product:

What do you think? Yummy or Yuckie?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

10 things that look like a vagina/penis!

It must be late at night for me to post this stuff... Take a look at 10 things that look like a vagina and 10 things that look like a penis! No doubt that number 1 in both categories is Bush (penis lookalike) and Chaney or Chaney's mouth (as a vagina) ;-P

Here are 2 things that didn't make the list that look like:
A penis: Patrick from Sponge Bob (and we thought Sponge Bob was the pitcher...)

A vagina: STrack mouse from microsoft (I wonder what's the red scroller)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Worst Music Video Ever!

You have to check this video out. I am on the floor listening to it!
Bad funny facts:
- It is actually taken from MTV!
- You could switch the music to "Numa Numa Iei" song and it would match
- At one point there is a guy humping a girl and running with her on the stage
- They look like a bad immitation of ABBA singing in broken English
- They are actually called Mervi Vasalla

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter is here! Time to paint my eggs and praise Jeves!

Hi eastern people, Easter is here! Time to paint eggs in gay colors and eat chocolate bunnies and eggs with a that soft cream filling... mmm.... that reminds me of eating creampie!

How the hell do you know when Easter is every year?
It's simple, remember it's the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on or after March 21: the Spring Equinox. Check the date on this calendar. So much simpler when you don't see the dates...

Why the damn Eggs?
The custom of giving eggs at Easter time has been traced back to Egyptians, Persians, Gauls, Greeks and Romans, to whom the egg was a symbol of life.
You know what's the Rumanian symbol of life? Check this.

Why the fucking Bunnies?
The Easter Bunny's visit is based upon a German Legend. The legend goes that a poor woman decorated eggs for her children to find during a famine. At the moment they found them, they looked up to see a big bunny hopping away. Here is a picture that survived from then.

In short, enjoy Easter however you want and enjoy these pics, that you can forward to your friends (add a "forward to 10 friends or you will die alone" message with the email, believe me people love that!):

ps: Sorry for the last one, that shows how Easter eggs are made, it's a bit explicit for the kids who read my blog...

Eva Langoria viewd from Space!

Maxim magazine celebrated its 100th issue by building a 75-by-110-foot billboard featuring its cover image of Eva Longoria. It's flat on the ground so that it can be seen from a satellite!!!
I gues those are 100xD's we can see here...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hot chicks with Douchebags!

Check this hotchickswithdouchebags blog out, I've seen this happen way too often on the street and it's scary! Hot chicks with douchebag loosers walking around as if they own the place.
It's about time that someone pointed this phenomenon out. Another more provokative site is
Here are a few examples of hot celebrities with douchebags:

Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy 75th B-Day grandpa, loved your latest porno!

Yes it is true! Grandpa can double as a pornstar in crazy Russia. The
75 year old David, stumbled in an audition for an adult film, thinking it was an audition for a muscle man show. And that's not the half of it, get this, before every scene he rubs his penis with garlic for good luck!!!
That or he's affraid that there would be some female vampires on the set...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Funny ads!

Check these funny ads from justelite blog. My favourite ones are the Malboro's dead horse, Karate school (pic below) and the nike one with the running man.
I think they missed the stupid woman who tattood a casino ad on her forhead for 15,000$... gives another meaning to walking bilboard.

U know what would be a good idea for an ad? Nike's "just do it" on you penis! No less than 1 million $ if Nike is reading this...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Can I say fuck? fuck, I don't know... ahh fuck it.

Hey Kids, you have to check this short version of Scarface that is surfacing the net. It pretty much covers all the 218 'fucks' in that movie. How do I know there were 218? Well there are people who count 'fucks' in movies, or "count-fuckers" how I call them. You can see the top list here from wikipedia: List of films ordered by uses of the word "fuck".
Scarface is only 32nd on that list.

Who are the top 3?
1st - The Devil's Rejects with 560 fucks
2nd - Nil by Mouth with 470 fucks
3rd - Casino with 422 fucks

fuck that's a lot of fucks...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The 100 unsexiest men in the world

Who would you least wan't to do, ladies? Well, ThePhoenix.com decided to make a list of
the 100 unsexiest men in the world.
And the un-sexiest? Gilbert Gottfried, the annoying comic with a face that looks worse than my ass. Or any ass for that matter.
They probably missed the fat guy who sings "numa numa iei" or the other fatso that plays with the starwars stick.
Any other ones they missed girls?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gives a new meaning to hand-job...

Hey guys/girls (especially), I don't have that much free time at work today so my post will be swift and deadly. Or swift and sexy... It's a hand soap with David Hasselhoff's picture on it that squirts soap from his crotch.

Guys: i'm sorry.
Girls: thank me later.

Monday, April 03, 2006

April Fools Day you Fool!

Check these funny April fools day jokes on the Net, taken from wikipedia's entry for April 1, 2006. Really funny stuff ;-)