Vman's Blog: funny stuff, news, gadgets & movies

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Your brain is tricked easily...

Check these cool optical illusions that I found on Mightyillusions.blogspot.com. Some are old but they have new ones that I never saw. They tell your mind: fuck what you think, I'll trick you into thinking what I want you to think. Your mind always obeys, he's weak.

1) Stare at the little black dot and see the other colors dissapear.

2) Check this 3D sidewalk drawing by Julian Beever. Go Robin, climb that rope!

3) Check this BMW advertisement. They have a dirty mind... or do they?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Buy me now!

So have too much money on your hands, and too much credit left on your Credit cards?
I have the perfect solutions for you... read on.

First is the "Pirolette" from
turnyourhead.com, custom designed to your face that costs 150$us! What's the point you ask? Well to cast a shadow of your face on the wall offcourse! It probably makes a good gift. For someone who is beautiful...

Secondly, ask yourself if this ever happened to you: after your bath or shower, you might be drying your face with the same part of the towel that dried your butt the day before. Or worse yet, it might have dried someone else's butt! Fear no more, here is the
Butt-Face Towel.
And to complete the set I give you: the
Butt-Face soap.

And finally, if you just want to kick back and relax I present you, guys, the
Enjoy. I know I did.
No really, Edna, I don't own it... damn it's the couch for me tonight ;-(

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Stop jacking my style B!

It's interesting to see how many people dress the same!
Rotterdam-based photographer Ari Versluis and stylist Ellie Uyttenbroek have been taking pictures of Rotterdam's street scene inspired by a shared interest in the striking dress codes of various social groups, check out their website: exactitutes.com for a bigger picture of each group.
Post me which group best suits your
gang of friends?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Homestarrunner! Strongbad! Trogdor! DELETED!

So I feel I should confess something right now... I am a fan of homestarrunner.com and especially of Strong Bad's email or sbemail. For those of you who don't know yet it's a web cartoon made in flash that is updated every few days. It was created by the The Brothers Chaps in 1999 when they started to learn Flash and it has grown into a cult. With clothes, Audio CD's, DVD's, dolls, posters and fan costumes for Halloween it has become a franchise. But unlike any other franchise the Brothers Chaps will not sell out and they insist on not airing it on TV because they think it will ruin the cartoon, instead they show it for free on their website, on DVD's or I-Pods as a Podcast.
For constant updates, easter eggs and full transcripts of every cartoon check the Homestar Wiki.

My favorite episodes are:
Japanese Cartoon
Halloween Fairstival
Teen Girl Squad Issue 10

Post me your favorites.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Check Your Brain Speed

Do this test to measures auditory processing (listening) speed and post me the result. I got 56% which is pretty good (above average), for a person in the 20's. Even though I suffer from NLOP syndrome (Not Listening On Purpose) when my mom used to ask me to clean my room...

Also check out this cool blog from Blogspot Roflbox they have an interesting post about people who have too much time on their hands. Example: Twin Towers using McDonalds fries and Heinz tomato ketchup, Build a PC without a case that floats next to the monitor, or my favorite: Make Cosmo Kramer out of lego.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Funny standup comedian and funny dictator!

Richard Jeni is his name and he is Hilarious with a capital H. He talks about relationships, masturbation and the internet... or every guys LIFE! Download this divx clip I made (sorry for the sync problem), taken from his show "A Big Steaming Pile of Me".
My favorite quote was: "the main differance between being single and being married is wether or not you want to be lonely or irritated".

On the other hand if you feel that our friend (not mine) Muammar al-Qaddafi, is not insane or a hypocrite then read this. Apparently he is lecturing US and the rest of the world that Libya's Jamahiriyah system, that he invented, under which Libyans can air their views at "people's congresses," is genuine democracy. He forgot to mention that if he doesn't like someones views he will order to execute him. If you are unaware of who he is or what he did in the past, take 2 min to read the trusted wikipedia article about him.
Oh and Quaddafi PS, if your'e reading this, MC Hammer wants his clothes back.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

V for Vendetta is VAWSOME!

So I finally did it. I disVirginized myself and went to see V4V on.... IMAX!
The movie started with some really cool action and explosion scenes but it captivated the audience with it's strong freedom message. The movie's plot is based on a lot of current events, like: The war in Iraq, peace demonstrations, deadly viruses that plague the world and the question of whether one is a terrorists or freedom fighter. It looked to me like something taken from a plot of 24 that went terribly wrong. Where the hell is Bauer when you need him?
No seriously, V4V would be best described as a love child of an orgy containing: 1984, Equilibrium, Matrix and Fahrenheit 9/11.

Things that i loved in the movie:

  • Based a lot on real life issues
  • The fact the it showed in IMAX
  • Action scenes and Special effects
  • Eveys prison scene
  • V fights for any discrimination: gay, racial & religious

Check the official site of the movie and some pictures and desktop wallpapers.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

3 Funny Videos of the Day!

Hiello party peoples!
So check these 3 videos that I picked up form my forwards and the net today. Really worth watching when u are bored!

1. This muscled kid (mini-arnold) is f-ing 6!!! and he benches 180 lbs, and dose 45min crunches non stop. Crazy parents I say. Would girls still have sex with him? Please Comment.

2. George Costanza (Jason Alexander) did a McDonalds McDLT commercial - he used to have hair! Red tie + white jacket with 3/4 sleeves = really 80's!

3. This kid thinks he can jump from building to building like spiderman and fails... "he has to believe he can make the jump, then he will succeed"
u think he's dead or something?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Congo's cannibal militia or Norway?

The choice might seem simple. Check this Wired map that compares 200 countries on their political systems, resources, levels of crime, corruption, and civil unrest.
Interesting things u should look at:

  • In the middle east: Israel and Palestinian difference in colors
  • Norways score of 100!
  • Congo's corrupt government
  • All the developed countries are yellow

please post comments if you like what you see or think they miscolored the map.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Run to see Running Scared!

After I used my free movie tickets to see 2 big disasters: Ultraviolet and Dave Chapell's Bloc Party, I felt like I needed to get my 'free cupons' worth. So I decided to go see Running Scared after one of my firends told me it's good.
Just 'good' dose not do this movie justice... This fast-paced crime thriller kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next. All characters are are extremely well played and make the viewer interested in them. The story basically revolves around a gun that Joey Gazelle (
Paul Walker the hunk from 2 Fast 2 Furious) is stashing in his basement and later trying to find it. Cameron Bright (played 'six' in Ultraviolet, and will play in Xmen 3) that took the gun, plays a russian kid named Oleg who gets involved in the bigger plot. Keep an eye for this kid, not in the same sense that those 2 people kept an eye on him in that creepy apartment...
Things I loved about the movie:
  • the special effects like: the bullet-cam, time shifting and shot wounds
  • the characters and the acting
  • the thrilling storyline that keeps you glued to your seat
  • Ivan Yugorsky's (abusive Russian father) John Wayne references

Check the official site for trailers and the 6 first minutes of the movie. Also, Check out other films by the director Wayne Kramer.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Slide that pole!

Check this cool ad, with a girl sliding down a light-pole on a street in London. I don't know what they advertise, maybe it's for the new strip club that's around the corner...

Who else slides down poles? Well, FIREMAN do!
like the one in the photo below, with the beloved Rumsfield ;-)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Chinese people do it better!

Check these 2 crazy videos that are circulating the net recently.
1) How to fold a shirt chinese military style. I tested it and it works with all kinds of shirts. Really cool stuff.

2) How to peel a potato. This thing I haven't tried but i'm sure it works fine.

I hope there are more videos like these that teach us useful things we had no idea how to do. Maybe how to reproduce money? or just reproduce...

Waht do u think? Any other ones that I missed?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Google on Mars!

So how do you get from the Viking 2 Lander to the Small Volcano in Terra Cimmeria? You use Google Mars offcourse. This new map from google with colaboration with NASA researchers from Arizona State University displays a map of mars using Elevation, Visible and Infrared views. All these views look like some sort of Splinter Cell game to me...

Breaking news! They also found

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Upcoming movies U should be exited about!

So I checked the net for upcoming movies and surprisingly I found out that the worst movie that won an oscar, offcourse I mean Titanic, is getting a sequel: Titanic 2 (pic on the right). I just hope that after this one, decaprio stays dead.

More realistically, Basic Instinct 2 is coming out sometimes in 2006. Sharon Stone is bored and she wants more people to use the pause button on their DVDs while watching her movies, because from the trailer, she opens her legs quite a lot. Two thumbs up only for that Sahron, or maybe only one...

In 2007 we are anticipating a superhero movie form Marvel comics, Ghost Rider. Nicholas Cage plays a stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself. Can anybody say Spawn? Yes, I can.

Anyones I forgot? write them up in the comments.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wavs are Funny!

Hello my peeps! While I was browsing on the net for this, I found an interesting site: dailywav.com. You can find favourite quotes from movies or series like Office Space, Terminator 2, 007 James Bond, South Park and more... Too bad they lack Old School, Seinfeld or the Simpsones. If they had those they might ran out of monthly traffic ;-)

If you find something you like post it in the comments.

Also, you gotta read this crazy news story, about a guy who was doing 130Mph in his BMW 318 in England because his accelerator was jammed.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Romanian faithful women don't have big moustaches!

It is untrue! This newspaper add is not true, even if it is written down in a newspaper! I met a lot of romanian women and from those women, not even 50% had moustaches. And from those 50% maybe half were smaller than a mans' moustache. Furthermore, those who did have a hairy upper lip were not faithful at all like these untrue add claims.

Here is an exaple of romanian women with different size moustaches:

(lets see if you can guess who they are)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Talk to me in Engrish!

I know it's not new but they always seem to have updates on their site! For you newbees the engrish.com website deals with funny English mistakes that appear in japanease advertisements and signs.

1) wise kids like violent propaganda
2) The problem here is that too many people bite skies and kick people in the balls
3) the restaurant has another sister branch named 'Fook Mee'

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ultraviloet... more like Ultra-never-see-this-movie!

And I do like sci-fi, I really do: Johnny Mnemonic, 5th Element, the first Matrix, the nude scenes in Resident Evil... all classics! But this excuse for a movie should not deserve my ticket. Even if I got the free ticket from a box of cereals...

Rated PG there is not a single drop of blood from a gunshot. And even though 80% of the movie is gun/sword fights not a friggin single bullet hits the so-called heroine. I was wishing someone would knock her out with anything by the first 15min of the movie.

What suckered me into it?
the free ticket, the TV trailers, the nice matrix action scenes (like in the pic), Mila Jovovich (picture on the right sorry for the 'flat' colors) and the fact that it's based on a comic book (couldn't go wrong after X-men and Sin City).
What Made me leave after 45 min?
The constant fight scenes that have no reason, the fact that PG fight scenes are cheap, the bad script that doesn't make me care about any of the actors or their characters, the lousy 1 liners like "Oh, it's on now" and the fact that I didn't swallow one thing they told me about future technologies...
Check this blog for more honest user comments about the movie.

When I left the movie theatre after 45min there was someone in the movie saying "Walk away... slowly" and I said "I'm walking the fastest I can!". People in the theatre started laughing!

...so please either don't go to see it & save your $ or go and post funny comments on this blog!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Which country should you REALLY be living in?

Check this quiz out. Only 15 questions and it tells you what country you should be living in... What's up with the question if I often chew bubble gum? Are there some countries that your'e jailed for doing so?

What Country I got? I got Australia. Which is not far from Canada, all I really want is to be able to chew my gum and not be bothered...

Who else is australian? well best example is the sexy Kylie Minogue, and that croc hunter what's his name... too bad he humps aligators for fun :-O

Post a comemnt with the country u got.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscars are finished!

So the Oscars are finished by now and I think you would be glad to know that George Clooney got supporting actor for Syriana or Terroristiana or Oil-war-ana, how i call it. He's the same guy who won sexiest man alive in '97 (pic on the right)...
The big monkey movie got one for Acheivement in Visual Effects which is the only one he should have gotten an oscar for.
Crash got the winner of the best flick. I didn't see it. It's supposed to be a movie about "Racism that collides with its targets during one thirty-six-hour period in Los Angeles", if you saw it and think differently, post it as a comment.
Other awards go to
Brokeback Mountain for the gayest movie ever made, that movie didn't suck at all, or did it?

If someone stole your TV and you want to see the opening bit of the oscars you can watch it here.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Old People Are Funny :-)

Whoever said we shouldn't make fun of old people never visited the oldpeoplearefunny.com website.
From a granny that dose a 30 foot beer bong (right), another 80 year old who got jailed for calling 911 20 times about a pizza place and to the lady who glued her eyes shut with super-glue (bottom)!

Also check this crazy Dance Dance Revolution Master... is he for real?!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Winter Olympics Crashes!

Why else would it be fun to watch sports at the Winter Olympics like the "luge" or "artistic skating" rather than to hope for that inevitable CRASH!
Oh, the agony of defeat afterwards... so... so... *sniff*... FUNNY!

Look at this skater tell his partner to F off because he can do better without her.

Or these guys who forgot for a second on what side of the track the luge is supposed to go on...
or maybe they wanted to hide for a bit of privacy.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

10 worst album covers of all time!

I know this might be old (for some of you) but you really have to read the comments for each cover. From performing fellatio on a dead horse, a pedophile in a bar, a turntable slave, the sexy Joyce, or the young George W Bush lookalike (in the pic on the right), this worst album covers of all time top 10, is the bizomb!

And who is #1?

Who else than the young Italian stallion: Tino!

who is wearing my small sisters clothes... LOL!