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Hello [on a cellphone], greetings, it's me, an outlaw
Bigger than the controversy of whether or not O-Zone are gay (which they are) is what the F are they singing about?! Exclusively, on GoVlad blog I decyphered thir gay-lingo and figured out what comes out of their mouths (it's not what you think...) just click with the white hand: here. And feel free to comment on this pic. Look at them with their 'crotch showing' position and their five button open shirts... the kid in yellow feels that he doesn't belong and is looking for help.
Naked Skirts!
I am Superman! I can see through girls' skirts!Too bad it's only a PICTURE of an ass on that miniskirt... This new fashion trend in Japan is addictive, lets hope they don't have guys t-shirts with boobs on them...
damn talked too fast :-(
HAVE VIAGRA. Need Woman. Any Woman Between 18-80.
Apropos ads, check these funny newspaper ads I found while I was looking for p... working hard at work. Which one is your favourite?
I just pimped my blog, baby!
I know where you live!!!
Using space age technology (bottom right of the page) I now kow what country you come from, what's the flag of that country, what internet browser you use and whats your IP address (in case some hax0r (hacker) wants to hack you and get into your computer and steal your passwords file, and your naked pics). I also just added a counter with free public stats (that anyone can view) so I can finally see the thousands of people who come to read my blog every day (or the one person who reloads the page).
Also because i'm a money whore, I made a deal with a small company named Google to display a relevant image ad at the top of my page so I can feed my kids. So whatever will be on my blog, the ad will pick it up and will display a relevant image. Any suggestions of what my next post should be? In fact, no don't tell me... all people who read my blog are pervs anyways... ;-(Also from google adds: check these funny ads on the right, I guess if you want to get brains you should check up Ebay for the best deals on brains. I know a few girls who give good brains too...
Brokeback Hour and girls who love their rapist dad...
I came across 2 very funny things on the Inter-Net this weekend. First is the unmodified magazine cover on the right. The magazine is called "Love It!" shows a beautiful girl smiling but the caption reads "Raped By My Dad... and now I've had his baby". I knew girls prefered mature men but this is exaggerated... Next is a nice Brokeback Mountain + Rush Hour spoof that is called Brokback Hour really funny, you would like to check Brokeback Mount Doom while you are there...Tucker: "i'll just pretend your'e a man, a very beautiful man with a perfect body who i'd like to take to the movies..."
What's Up? headlines from around the world in real time!
Check this site out. It gives you news headlines from around the world in real time. Next time there is a catastrophe or someone decides to release some cartoons to offend some angry group of people, we would see it unfolding in real time. Imagine they cancel the O.C. then all red dots start appearing one by one...
Censor them pr0n pics... do it now...
One of the most original and funny pics on the web. It's pr0n pics censored using photoshop in the funniest ways. You gota check it out. (click more at the bottom of every page). I especially like the one when she says: "i'm soo sleepy but I gotta brush my teeth". You almost feel guilty watching these pics at work, but when your boss passes by and sees you watching this pic you tell him: "It's the girl that won the last american Idol, with her version of the classic 'Funky Town', that's all... oh, why my hand is in my pants? I lost a quarter in there."Leave me comments about what you think? Borderline?
You want the truth? You CAN handle the truth!
Apple were first who told us to 'think different' or maybe it was Ghandi or was it Sharkboy? Here is a list of interesting links from our good friend nicknamed 'Sharkboy' that deals with conspiracy theories, evil bankers and mostly the truth (that we CAN handle). He proposes us to recognize all these articles as theory, no one article holds the aboslute truth. I'm not sure it's his quote or he borrowed it from someone but I found it's interesting: "When you realize that we only know what someone wanted us to know, that we want what they decided to let us want and that our opinions aren't really our own, only then can we really start learning"-Sharkboy 2006We're living in the MatrixAre you awake?Are you educated?Is the economy fair?What is the economy?What is money?Banks are evil!The Creature from Jekyll IslandBanking in Canada and an economic theory
"...each second 4.1 people are born and 1.8 people die"

I came across the fact that that Earth's population would reach 6.5 Billion on 7:16 p.m. EST Saturday which is kid of ... A LOT! Earth population is growing right now by 1.1% yearly which is kind of slow compared to 2.1% in the early 60's when everyone used to have orgies all the time. Still don't belive me? Check out the current World Population Clock or the article that best summerisez the situation from Wired News.
PS: China has 1.3 Billion people alone... we need more gay chinease men DAMMIT!
Go Gadgets Go!
So you must have noticed the 3 top gadgets of mine, revolving around the globe on top of my Blog right next to kid-gadget. They are my 3 sons, and they make me very happy in the commute to work every morning.
First is a Sandisk SANSA e140 1GB MP3 Player that blows the competition with its price, functions and sound quality. Awsome white in-your-ear headphones, great base and external noise cancellation (Ex: metro).
Next is my Sony PSP. If youv'e been living under a rock u might not have heard about this one. It dose everything legal like Play MP3s, play tons of new or classic PS2 games, watch Movies on UMDs, watch photos and surf the net. And it also dose some illegal things like: playing copied games that u download from torrents on 1Gig Memory Stick Pro Duo card, watch Divx movies and run and play all your favorite emulators: MAME, SNES, NES, GameBoy, SEGA Genesis... forgot: it can also give you a BJ... if u ask nicely!
Last but not Least is the last addition to my family the Samsung A920 3G Cellphone from Bell. This lil baby can almost do everything like my PSP: play 3D Java Games, Download MP3s in high speed, watch MPEG4 movies from the Memory Card or streaming in 400kbps from the net, has Bluetooth, uses cheap expansion memory: transFlash cards, u can listen to all that media through nice & loud Stereo speakers. Oh and did I mention it can take 1.3MP pics and record videos with sound? Only thing is that you can't use it as an actual phone to dial and receive calls... but who cares, look at the other things it can do! (JJ ;-))Oh guys, now that we lost all the girls who read this blog: here is a way to get any girl you want. Just look in her eyes and tell her: "goddamn your'e beutiful!" works all the time...
Here are 2 pics taken with my cellphone. Left: pic of my PSP that displays a photo of my MP3 Player! Right: a kaleidoscope pic I took with my cellphone using 3 mirrors, cool huh?
Good Deviant Art:
Hey all, I wanted to appeal to the artsy types that read my blog or to some people who don't yet know Alpthrions' Deviant Art page. He's my bro for those who don't know yet. I like in particular the sunsets and the black and white photos of a glass of martini, and of downtown Montréal. Check out Gallery 1, Gallery 2 and Gallery 3 and leave comments if you like what you see.
What you see here is called: Mayan Sky Pyramid
"The main pyramid at Chichen Itza. Played with saturation, contrast and brightness."
Hey people I just wanted to post this late, to show you what I do at night... I like to play with a pussycat. It's just too cute to pass by. Go ahead play with 'jepeto' and hear him purr and catch your mouse. (for those of you who thought that this was a waste of time - go hump a tree, for the rest - hump me)Just felt to let you know about the new lil-penis-peppers you could buy on E-Bay, what do you think, are they spicy?
I'm a Rhino!
my elbows are kind of dry... and people told me that I do have a horn-like nose. Anyway let's see what you would be incarnated as in your next life in the Reincarnation Station post your animal and name (or nickname) in the comments. My bottom line is that: "I'm not perfect but iv'e led a better life than most..." pretty right. I would always trust a flash-made questioneer rather than a person who looks at the stars and tells you some BS, wouldn't you?
Second post in one day, this must be specail...
This new movie A Scanner Darkly (you can find a trailer there too) is coming out soon with Keanu Reeves. It is made the same way as Waking Life (which gave me a headaic), its called Rotoscoping and I think it's going to revolutionize the movie industry. What do you think?
When Pigs Fly...
Remember all those things you promised your friends and family then saying "when pigs can fly"... well I have news for you! Apparently they CAN fly! You just need to "wine" them first. So I gotta give my best friend 1000$, give my brother all my Transformers, and clean my room and do my homeworks. Oh and hook up with Jessica Alba. I'm sure she'll say yes after I explain to her that now that pigs can fly we could finally be together... or would I explain it to her body guard?
Regular day at the office...
hey boys and girls, just received this new Gay-O-Meter questioneer. do it and post to me what you got. I got 33% which is pretty manly, I admit that I answered yes to if you like girl-on-girl action (like all other guys did)... Enjoy!
v-Day aftermath...
So i went to this nice expensive restaurant "Chez L'épicier" in old port, Montréal, with my GF. Food and presentation was amazing but quantity of food / price was questionable (min 100$ / person wine included). One of those restaurants you say at the end: "so we'll go to McDonalds now?" ;-)
Here is a pic from the restaurant:
Valentines Day is Here!
Happy V-Day All!I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day and what says I love you better than this... its sooo cute!Also for valentines day you can give your loved one this card from this site:
PS: surprisingly V.D. are also my initials ;-) or... ;-(
Felt like adding this graph too:the funniest is that it's a linear correlation...
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Pic is: Valentines Day 2005, Hotel Delta in Montreal!Please leve comments for this Pic ==> to inspire you for Valentine's Day here is a Love Letter Generator
Some Pics of moi!
Here is a nice pic of yours truly in Hierastrau Park in Bucharest, Romania!
My first Blog!
Whoevers reading this... I have a Blog (or a 'web-log' for the non-nerdy types)it's about time now because i had a website until now but its a hastle to update it. (and people might make fun of it on some forums) so here we go!